ASTORIA OLEC传承着意式半自动咖啡机精益求精的咖啡精神和精密准确的机器品质,是一款易于操作同时也是经久耐用的机器.首先,它的外观简洁干练,极具线条感;机器主架采用不锈钢材质,您可以看到这款咖啡机每一个细节都有我们独特的想法,以便于它在商业用途上的展现愈加完美.ASTORIA OLEC是一款您在追求完美品质的咖啡道路上忠实的机器,是您在制作各式咖啡时最可靠的伙伴。
Simplicity and durability, combined by a rigorous design, communicate the soul and the body of this espresso coffee machine.
With simple but balances aesthetics, realized with durable materials and with details optimized for a professional use, OLEC results as the ideal solution for those seeking the essence of quality and the best combination of simplicity and reliability.
Available in SAE electronic version, with volumetric dosage of 4 coffee doses directly programmable from the control panel, and in the AEP semi-automatic version, provided by manual button command.